The Tioga County, PA - based Pine Creek Arts Council is a not-for-profit organization which promotes interest in the arts, plans and conducts programs intended to enhance enjoyment of the arts and obtains funding to promote these activities. We believe that the arts are a vital part of life and are necessary to our community's well-being. Membership in the organization is open to anyone sharing these same goals and objectives.
The Pine Creek Arts Council has provided financial support for the following:
It is our goal to continue the promotion of quality art education throughout Tioga County, Pennsylvania with emphasis on programs in our schools.
Pine Creek Arts Council receives support from:
We welcome new members. You may join by printing out this page and sending in the completed membership application below to:
Pine Creek Arts Council
PO Box 402
Wellsboro, PA 16901
________ Yes, I am interested in promotion of the arts in Tioga County, PA and wish to become a member of the Pine Creek Arts Council.
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
City/St/Zip: _______________________________________________________________
________ Individual Membership ($10.00)
________ Family Membership ($15.00)
________ Corporate Membership ($50.00)
Please make checks payable to the:
Wellsboro Foundation/Pine Creek Arts Council
Mail payment to:
PO Box 402
Wellsboro, PA 16901